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来源: 赤峰和美嘉科技有限公司  点击:16次 发布时间:2016-8-31



蒙脱石是预混料载体的首选。由于蒙脱石粉剂吸附力强、致密细腻、流动性好,而作为预混料的载体较磷酸氢钙、重钙要优良得多。 实验表明:加工过程中不会产生分层现象,均匀混合性能好,对各种维生素、微量元素分散吸附力强,均匀牢固,可以防潮、防霉、防虫蛀、防变质,增加微量元素 的含量。




蒙脱石具有对霉菌毒素脱毒功效,在配制畜禽日粮中添加将有利于抑制和消除霉菌毒素的毒害作用。饲料及饲料原料普遍存在霉变现象,饲料原料中57% 以上都会受到霉菌毒素的污染,尤其是在我国南方的梅雨潮湿季节。黄曲霉毒素、T-2毒素、呕吐毒素、玉米赤霉烯酮、赭曲霉毒素及烟曲霉毒素是最常见的霉菌 毒素。这些毒素肉眼看不见,但会长期存于饲料原料中,畜禽入食后会削弱免疫系统,干扰代谢过程、抑制蛋白质合成和碳水化合物与脂肪代谢中的酶活性。
















The English version

Montmorillonite non-corrosive, non-toxic, no stimulation to people and plants, can be directly used as raw materials in the feed industry additive composition.

(1) the premix carrier

Montmorillonite is premix carrier of choice. Because of montmorillonite powder strong adsorbability, dense fine, good liquidity, as a carrier of the premix, and the calcium hydrogen phosphate, coarse whiting is much more superior. Experiment showed that won't produce statified phenomenon, in the manufacturing process of mixing performance is good, for a variety of vitamins, trace elements scattered adsorption force strong, uniform and firm, can be moistureproof, mouldproof, insect-resistant eat by moth, prevent deterioration, increase the content of trace elements.

(2) adhesive

Montmorillonite is now widely as grain feed and aquatic bait adhesive. Montmorillonite with strong cohesiveness, can completely replace the commonly used carboxyl cellulose, powder and so on, not only the adhesive effect is good, and high plasticity, forming particle type and neat, smooth surface, the cost is much lower than traditional binder.

(3) to take off the mildew agent

Montmorillonite is the mycotoxin detoxification effect, is added in the preparation of livestock and poultry diet will be conducive to suppress and eliminate the toxicity of mycotoxin. Feed and feed ingredients are widespread phenomenon of mildew, more than 57% in feed raw materials will be contaminated with mycotoxins, especially in the plum rains in south China wet season. Aflatoxins, T 2 toxin, vomiting toxins, corn gibberellic ketene, ochre and aspergillus toxin is aspergillus toxin and the smoke of the most common mycotoxins. These toxins invisible to the naked eye, but will be in feed ingredients for a long time, after in livestock and poultry feed will weaken the immune system, interfere with the metabolic process, inhibition of protein synthesis and enzyme activity of carbohydrate and fat metabolism.

(4) thinner,

Montmorillonite as diluent used in products made of dry fermentation fluid. Using PRT as diluent of fermented feed, standardization of montmorillonite can be active ingredients, fermented dry content 75% ~ 75%, the proportion of the rest by thinner - montmorillonite to supplement.

3. The feeding effect of montmorillonite

(1) the pigs

In the basic diet adding 2% montmorillonite, can increase the average daily gain of pigs and 40 g, feed conversion rate increased by 3.25%.

(2) feed laying hens

Adding 1.3% ~ 2.6% in laying hens diet montmorillonite, Ed a year of egg production, can make the rate increased by 8.74% ~ 15.6%, a 2.4% increase in egg weight, feed consumption reduced by 12.15%

(3) feed the chicken

In the poultry feed add 1.5% montmorillonite, 60 days after feeding can make chicken full weight increased by 11.52% ~ 11.58%, feed consumption reduced by 9.71% ~ 14.7%.

(4) feed cows

Montmorillonite is added in the fattening cattle diet, 50 ~ 100 g per head daily feeding, can make the scalpers average weight increased by 23.49 ~ 65.73%, and each weight 1 kg to reduce consumption concentrate 1.88 ~ 3.92 kg

(5) to feed the sheep

In the green grass grazing period, each day to Inner Mongolia fine wool sheep irrigation take 30 g montmorillonite with 100 g water, wool length by 0.48 cm per square centimeter content increased 0.0398 g of wool.

(6) aquaculture

In shrimp farming, using montmorillonite increases oxygen adding chemical agents and other additives can be made into aquaculture aerobic disinfectant, significantly improve the system of dissolved oxygen, water adsorption of sulfur, ammonium, heavy metal plasma, stop bottom and corruption of the organic matter, improve water, prevent shrimp floating head, increase the output of prawn

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