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来源: 赤峰和美嘉科技有限公司  点击:13次 发布时间:2016-9-27



1、中毒因素  有的猪场长期饲喂发霉变质的饲料,饮用污染的水源,造成猪只发生霉玉米毒素中毒;或误食污染有农药、杀虫药、灭鼠药及化学药物的食源引发中毒。中毒发生后,猪肠道粘膜免疫系统与胃肠道的消化吸收机能均受到破坏,伤害猪肠道的健康,严重者造成死亡。

2、营养因素 给猪饲喂的饲料中营养不全,不均衡,质量低劣,造成机体营养缺乏,会直接影响到肠粘膜免疫系统的功能和胃肠道的健康。比如饲料中缺乏各种维生素与微量元素等,可引发胃肠道机能紊乱,进而影响到整个猪体的健康。缺乏VB,猪只表现厌食、消化不良、腹泻等;缺乏VD、钙与磷比例失调,可引发佝偻病、胃肠道机能下降,消化不良、食欲减退、发育停滞;缺乏VE与硒,可引发猪只消化道机能紊乱、食欲不振、呕吐、腹泻、便血以及营养应激等;缺铁可引发仔猪营养性贫血、食欲减退、周期性下痢与便秘;缺锌可引发猪只厌食、胃肠道机能紊乱,生长发育迟缓等。由此可见,营养缺乏与许多营养代谢病的发生,对猪只胃肠道的健康都会造成危害。


1、能量的摄入与小肠形态学  小肠是猪的内、外环境之间的界面,其主要功能是消化和吸收饲料,而且提供一个物理性和免疫学性的屏障以阻挡微生物和变应性大分予。肠腔中存在的食物,更确切地说是肠道中的营养物流,是胃肠道增生最强有力的刺激物之一;小肠腔中缺乏营养物,就像断奶后所发生的那样,将对细胞分化牢和细胞转化率有很大的影响。所以说,“肠腔营养”在维持肠粘膜结构及功能的完整性方而起着一个重要的作用。

2、氨基酸与肠道发育  肠道黏膜条件必需氨基酸的代谢,在调节肠形态和功能完整性起着重要作用。每天食入的谷氨酸、Gin、天冬氨酸和血液Gin进入肠黏膜后,成为小肠能量的主要来源,为小肠养分的主动转运和蛋白质周转提供足够的ATP。例如谷氨酸是合成谷胱甘肽的前体物,谷胱甘肽是保护肠黏膜免受毒素入侵和氧化损伤的关键组分。


1、喂给猪群优质的全价饲料  要想养好猪,获得好的经济效益,首先要改变思想理念,在养字上做好文章,给猪只饲喂全价优质的饲料。猪的饲料一定要营养全价,科学搭配,尽可能使用低氮日粮和氨基酸平衡日粮,保证有足够的蛋白质、氨基酸、微量元素和各种必需的维生素,确保猪只各个不同生长阶段的营养需要。这些物质是保障猪只生命活动、免疫力与抗病力的基础与根本,也是维护猪胃肠道健康的必要条件。

2、严禁饲喂发霉变质的饲料 饲喂发霉变质的饲料易引发各种毒素及化学药物中毒,损害肠道粘膜免疫系统的功能,破坏胃肠道的机能,导致腹泻、胃肠炎的发生,中毒严重者死亡。只有饲喂安全、绿色、营养的环保饲料,才能保障猪只的健康和生产性能。如果饲料质量低劣,造成机体营养不良,则会威胁肠道免疫屏障,降低粘膜免疫系统的功能,易诱发各种感染的发生。

3、在饲料中添加微生态制剂  现代化、规模化的养猪生产,饲养密度过大,生长速度过快,猪群往往处于高度的应激状态,导致肠道菌群失调,使有害微生物过度繁殖抑制有益微生物的生长,给猪只带来生长发育,生产性能与疾病的发生等诸多问题。如果在饲料中添加微生态制剂饲喂猪只,不仅能提高猪只对饲料的利用率和对营养成分的吸收率,促生长,提前出栏;而且能抑制肠道有害微生物繁殖,保持胃肠道菌群平衡,增强非特异性免疫力,提高抗病力,并能减少各种有害气体的排出量,改善饲养生态环境,维护胃肠道的健康。



The English version

Pig intestinal tract is not only a digestive organ, and it is an important part of the immune organs. Gut is the largest organ system, get the folds of the small intestine mucosa and the villi and microvilli, put together, the surface area of several hundred square meters, equivalent to the size of the two tennis courts. It is composed of high energy metabolism active substances, it is the most complicated nervous system outside the brain, known as the second brain, brain or abdomen. Therefore, in pig production in China at present how to maintain good pig gastrointestinal health?

One, the current factors influencing the pig feed of the gastrointestinal health in pig production

1, poisoning Some pig feeding gone mouldy feed for a long time, pollution of drinking water, mildewed corn pig causing toxin poisoning; Or eating contaminated with pesticides, insecticides, rodent poisons and chemical poisoning food source. Poisoning happens, pig intestinal mucosal immune system damage, the gastrointestinal digestion and absorption function and damage the pig intestinal health, serious to cause death.

2, nutritional factors To pig feeding feed nutrition is not complete, not balanced, inferior quality, cause the body lack of nutrition, will directly affect the function of intestinal mucosal immune system and gastrointestinal health. Such as the lack of a variety of vitamins and trace elements in feed, etc., can cause gastrointestinal dysfunction, thus affect the whole get health. Lack of VB, pig performance anorexia, indigestion, diarrhea, etc.; Lack of VD, calcium and phosphorus imbalance, can cause rickets, gastrointestinal function drops, indigestion, loss of appetite, arrested development; Lack of VE and selenium, can trigger a pig gastrointestinal disorders, loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, bloody and nutritional stress, etc.; Iron deficiency can cause nutritional anemia piglets, anorexia, periodic diarrhea and constipation. Zinc deficiency can cause pig anorexia, gastrointestinal disorders, growth retardation, etc. Thus, poor nutrition and many nutrition metabolic disease occurs, will cause harm to the health of pig gastrointestinal tract.

Second, the feed pigs intestines nutrition and health

1, energy intake and intestinal morphology Small intestine is pig of the interface between the internal and external environment, its main function is the digestion and absorption of feed, and provide a physical barrier and immunology to block microbes and allergic big points to. Existing in the lumen of food, more specifically, in the gut logistics, nutrition is one of the most powerful stimulant hyperplasia of the gastrointestinal tract; The lack of nutrients in the lumen, as it's what happens after weaning, cell to cell differentiation and cell conversion rate has a great influence. Say so, "nutrition" lumen in maintaining the integrity of the structure and function of intestinal mucosa and plays an important role.

2, amino acid and intestinal mucosa conditions essential amino acid metabolism, intestinal development in regulating intestinal morphology and functional integrity plays an important role. Eat every day of glutamic acid, Gin, aspartic acid and blood Gin into the intestinal mucosa, become the main source of small intestine energy, for active transport of small intestine nutrients and protein turnover enough ATP. Such as glutamic acid is a precursor of glutathione synthesis, glutathione is protect intestinal mucosa from toxins and key components of oxidative damage.

Three, how to maintain the herd of swine intestinal health

1, feeding pigs feed of high quality full price Want to raise pigs, obtain good economic benefits, the first thing to change ideas, completes the paper on a word, to feed pigs feeding full price high quality. Pig feed must be full nutrition, science is tie-in, using low nitrogen diet as much as possible and the amino acid balance diet, ensure adequate protein, amino acids, trace elements and a variety of necessary vitamins, make sure that the pigs nutritional needs of the different growth stages. These material is the guarantee pig life activities, immunity and disease resistance and the basis of the fundamental, is also a necessary condition for the maintenance of healthy pig gastrointestinal tract.

2, it is strictly prohibited to feeding gone mouldy feed Feeding gone mouldy feed easy cause all sorts of toxins and chemical drug poisoning, damage to the intestinal mucosal immune system function, damage of gastrointestinal function, lead to the occurrence of diarrhea, gastroenteritis, severe poisoning death. Only feeding safety, green, environmental protection feed nutrition, can protect health of pigs and production performance. If the feed of poor quality, resulting in malnutrition in the body, will threaten the intestinal immune barrier, reduce the mucosal immune system function, easy to induce the occurrence of a variety of infections.

3, modernization of microecological agents added in the feed, the scale of pig production, breeding density is too large, growing too fast, pigs are often at high stress state, lead to intestinal flora imbalance, the harmful microbial overgrowth inhibit the growth of beneficial microbes, brings to the pig growth and development, production performance and the occurrence of diseases, and many other problems. If added to the feed probiotics feeding pigs, not only can improve the utilization rate of pigs to feed and absorption rate of nutrients, promote growth, ahead of market; And can restrain bowel harmful microbial breeding, keep the balance of gastrointestinal tract flora, strengthen the nonspecific immunity, improve the disease resistance, and can reduce all kinds of harmful gas discharge, improve the breeding of ecological environment, safeguarding the health of the gastrointestinal tract.

Four, summary

Pig gastrointestinal health, not only for the body's normal physiological function, growth, development and reproduction provides rich variety of nutrients, but also provide strong immune protection. Animal gastrointestinal nonspecific and specific mucosal barrier system can limit the invasion of the complete protein antigens, to reduce food antigen immune response. Experts point out that any factors that affect the gastrointestinal mucosa dysfunction can increase the permeability of gastrointestinal mucosa, causing mucosal cannot give full play to its immune surveillance function, causes the macromolecular antigen in food is absorbed by the body and cause all sorts of gastrointestinal disease. Therefore, to maintain good health, gastrointestinal tract is a very important realistic problem. Must attach great importance to in pig production, the destruction of the don't get the balance of the micro ecological environment in the gastrointestinal tract.

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