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来源: 赤峰和美嘉科技有限公司  点击:14次 发布时间:2016-9-29





























原文出处:Feed efficiency in swine

The English version

With the deepened our understanding of pigs, energy metabolism, can we apply this knowledge to practice, to improve the pig feed efficiency. The following idea is derived from this chapter made a variety of discussion:

1. Manage pigs and bar reduce maintain energy needs

Maintain energy is variable weight function, but also protected by the frequency of pig, the pig from external factors (disease, stress, etc.) the function of the immune system and other systems maintenance, the influence of the temperature regulating.

2, improve diet can always in the proportion of digestible energy

Even in corn, soybean meal and other highly digestible diet, about 15% of the total waste in the form of waste. Producers may be reduced through diet, particle size and granulating, adding exogenous enzymes and other methods to improve the digestibility of the diet control the proportion.

With the rise in the price of corn, grain size of the target fell; Ten years ago using corn grain size of 750 microns, now part of the producer to set the target size of 300-300 microns. Goodband etc. (2002) reported in 1200-400 microns each fall within the scope of 100 microns of pig feed efficiency can be four points. Patience etc.

(2011) reported that the standard deviation of the particle size from 2.33 microns dropped to 1.88 microns, the energy digestibility is from 81% to 85%.

3, test farm the actual energy content of the diet

Any diet can digestion or can be, the value of energy metabolism have considerable variation, because different material, different age stages the digestive ability of pig, particle size is different, different processing methods (granules or powder), etc. This makes the nutritionists is hard to manage diet actually energy level. An easier and less costly solution is,

0.4% of titanium dioxide is added in the diet as a digestive markers, and add 5 consecutive days. Five days later, collect bar inner feces samples (accounts for about 10% of the total waste). Markers and energy analysis of samples, testing real can digest level in the diet. Can use the digestion can estimate metabolism can value. A problem of the method is that the pig coprophagia, it will cause error to calculate. Practice could be regulated and controlled by leak test bar floor size to reduce the influence of this aspect.

4, high temperature season low thermal increase consumption of diet to reduce heat stress

Under normal conditions of food produced in the process of digestion and metabolism of heat, to help animals warm. Heat in high temperature season, however, is the negative impact of pig growth factors. In addition, through its physiological regulation to reduce high temperature when pigs feed intake, which may be beneficial to health and physiological function, but also reduces the growth rate and improve the feed efficiency. High temperature season, therefore, choose the minimum heat yield formula diet is very important, this kind of diet to the low level of protein, fiber, or high fat content.

5 maintain a healthy energy demand, reducing pig

We all know that immune system activation will maintain energy addition. Williams (1997) reports that can be increased by 13%. Since health problems to reduce the feed intake, reduces the energy consumption, also reduced the digestibility of energy.

Maintain energy is need to increase the energy efficiency of another factor. Disease poses many problems for the energy metabolism of pigs, all can lead to low efficiency. Therefore, for all the pork producers will catch such disease is a very important thing, because of the existence of the disease is very expensive.

6, choose to use energy from the diet to maintain need efficient pigs

To improve the efficiency of the feed selection is now progress to reducing the breeding to maintain energy requirement, this trend will continue, not only will be more complex. It will be used as a tool of breeding, our understanding of energy metabolism, and promote each other. Since the need to maintain energy accounted for about a third of their total daily energy intake, then the gene for the future breeding provides a reasonable goal. We also know variation between genotype, exist that allow this selection is meaningful.

7, give priority to the feed intake

As America's pig industry, and other countries in the world, are faced with accept low energy diet to reduce feed costs, increase the benefits of pig feed intake more than people imagine. The results are shown in the table below 10. The three model is designed in this study, the use of Cargill pork biggest growth model, reaction pigs under different circumstances on the reduction of diet energy response:

(1) the pig can increase feed intake in response to a decrease in the level of diet energy;

(2) the pig can't increase their intake, so the pig daily energy intake decreased, but also fed to the same market weight, only such days delay;


Pigs can't increase their intake, so the pig daily energy intake down, but the pig market days as model 1, only such weight loss. The results of the three kinds of model difference is amazing. If the same as the model 1 to keep such days, such heavy will be decreased from 132 kg of model 1 to 3 123 kg in the model. If keep the same with model 1 are heavier, such days will be increased from 125 days of model 1 and model 2 in 139 days. There is no doubt that feed intake in the future will be more important, even if it has been important in the past. To maximize the feed intake

For objective management bar can help the pig to low energy diet adjustment, ensure the normal order of the daily energy intake. It also cut the cost of breeding innocuity.

8, formulate a single column or production system of feed intake curve

Understand the importance of column shear or in feed intake system can not be ignored. Know it's not enough to feed consumption data, even if the data is correct, but it only represent the average level of the whole growth stage, is still far from making optimal feeding scheme.

The above 7 points of growth model reflects well grasp the benefits of pig feed intake of the curve. If feed intake curve is known, then only need to know when and how the pig respond to low energy diet.

The original reference: Feed efficiency in masty swyn

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