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来源: 赤峰和美嘉科技有限公司  点击:15次 发布时间:2016-10-8















The English version

CaiBing and rapeseed meal is a by-product of rapeseed after extracting oil, widely used in all kinds of animal feed, has high nutritional value. But because of the different extraction oil technology, they have many differences.

CaiBing is a byproduct of rapeseed after mechanical crushing extraction oil, due to the squeezing model and different temperature, the cold pressing of cold pressed cake is blue cake, hot press for hot press cake: red cake;

Rapeseed meal is rapeseed after extraction using organic solvent prepressing extraction oil byproducts, according to different models and production process is divided into a meal and a second meal.

The main the mark CaiBing and rapeseed meal

First of all, because of the different extraction oil technology, exterior differences:

CaiBing for tiles commonly block, blue cake blue color, red color is red; Blue cake incense oil spicy, red cake is sweet to have burnt flavour. Rapeseed meal for fine granular shape, containing a certain amount of light yellow powder; A meal a yellowish brown color, darker second meal; Taste a meal has a hint of spiciness, second meal has a strong smell.

Second, CaiBing inner quality of rapeseed meal with larger differences:

1, the difference of moisture: CaiBing usually less than 10%, generally between 6-9%, different processing centers or different batches of the same processing centers CaiBing moisture is different; Rapeseed meal is big YouZhiChang production, easy to control water, water were similar, different manufacturer production rapeseed meal in 12-12.5%.

2, the difference of protein: CaiBing is 34-36%, protein content in rapeseed meal protein level of rapeseed meal 41% or higher, secondary rapeseed meal 39% or higher, level 3:37% or higher, level 4:35% or more, usually purchase using three levels of rapeseed meal feed mills.

3, the difference of protein solubility: blue cake protein solubility is higher, and the difference is bigger also, usually in the 60-98%, red cake protein solubility is low, usually at or below 20%; A meal protein solubility between 40-45%, the second meal protein solubility is below 30%.

4, fat content differences: due to mechanical press cannot be put in the rapeseed oil squeeze completely clean, therefore CaiBing adipose content is higher, for 6-9%; Rapeseed meal was conducted after preheating squeezing and organic solvent extraction, therefore, rapeseed meal fat content is low, at around 2%.

5, different antinutritional factors: CaiBing especially blue cake in the machining process using cold pressing, antinutritional factors have not been destroyed, so the antinutritional factors of the content is higher; Rapeseed meal is rapeseed after a long time of low temperature into the pressing temperature special processing, antinutritional factors basic are destroyed, so the antinutritional factors content is low, especially large YouZhiChang double bottom rapeseed purchasing, producing wheat erucic acid and sulfur glucoside content is very low.

6, CaiBing easier to adulterated, CaiBing is mill production processing centers, in the process of production pusher add bran in rapeseed, peanut shell, powder, etc. Rapeseed meal is a by-product of the larger YouZhiChang production, manufacturers are very pay attention to quality, pay attention to integrity, generally not adulterated, at the same time through the rapeseed meal sensory evaluation is also easy to determine whether there is a phenomenon of adulteration.

CaiBing and rapeseed meal based the above differences, we would suggest feed manufacturer not buy, do not use the second meal and red cake, use a meal as far as possible, because the blue cake price low rapeseed meal, fat content is higher, also can use a small amount of blue cake instead of a small number of rapeseed meal.

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