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来源: 赤峰和美嘉科技有限公司  点击:12次 发布时间:2016-10-28



1 霉菌毒素的产生与分类



2 霉菌毒素的作用机理



        通常饲料中霉菌毒素不是单一存在而是两种或几种同时存在,当不同毒素同时存在时,霉菌毒素的毒性会可能出现加性效应、亚加性效应、协同效应、增效效应和颉颃效应。加性效应(Synergistic effects)是指2种霉菌毒素的组合作用等于二者单一作用的累积相加。亚加性效应(Less than additive effects)是指发生于2种霉菌毒素的组合作用低于二者单一作用的累积相加。协同效应(Synergistic effects)指2种霉菌毒素的组合作用高于二者单一作用的累积相加。增效效应(Potentiate effects)指一种霉菌毒素对某组织或器官不产生毒性作用,但摄人另一霉菌毒素后,前者使后者毒性增强。颉颃效应(Antagonistic effects)是指一种霉菌毒素干扰另一种霉菌毒素的毒性作用,这种情况较少见。

2.1 黄曲霉毒素

        黄曲霉毒素(aflatoxin,简称为AF)在各霉菌毒素中,被认为毒性最强,危害最大的致癌物质,其耐热性强,超过80℃才能破坏,在紫外线照射下能产生荧光,是黄山霉菌和寄生曲霉菌的产物,几乎所有动物对AF都敏感,禽类最为敏感。AF对幼龄动物的毒性强,致死率高,而成年动物的耐受力较强。黄曲霉菌(AF)可分为黄曲霉菌B1、B2、G1、G2、M1、M2 ,其中危害最大,毒性最强的是黄曲霉菌B1 (简称为AFB1),对动物的主要影响是致肿瘤、免疫抑制、致突变和致畸,影响的主要靶器官是肝脏,是一种肝毒素,可引起肝脏出血、肝脏脂肪变性、胆管增生等,并可导致肝癌的发生(徐运杰等,2008;胡兰等,2001)。





2.2 赭曲霉毒素

        赭曲霉素(Ochratoxin,简称OCT)是由曲霉属及青霉属中的某些菌种产生的一类结构相似的有毒次生代谢产物,其中以赭曲霉毒素A(Ochratoxin A,简称OTA)的毒性最强。其毒性与黄曲霉毒素相当,肾是其主要的靶器官,是一种肾毒素,赭曲霉毒素A几乎对所有的动物都有肾毒性。尤其是人类,低摄入量时可造成生殖性能下降。研究表明,OTA对所有的单胃哺乳动物均有肾毒性,可引起动物肾萎缩或肿大、颜色变灰白、皮质表面不平及断面可见皮质纤维性变;


2.3 桔青霉素


2.4 单端孢霉烯族毒素

        单端孢霉烯毒素是由镰刀菌属产生的结构相似的一类化合物的总称,种类超过148种,其中主要代表有:T-2毒素(T-2 toxin)、二乙酰基镳草镰刀菌烯醇(DAS)和脱氧雪腐烯醇。主要损害动物的肝脏和肾脏,而且大多属于组织刺激因子和致炎物质。T-2毒素主要作用于细胞分裂旺盛的组织器官,如胸腺、骨髓、肝、脾、淋巴结、生殖腺及胃肠粘膜等,抑制这些器官细胞蛋白质和DNA合成,并造成神经机能损害。

        T-2毒素或DAS会损伤禽类的消化道粘膜,引起口腔溃疡,一般临床症状表现为食欲减退或丧失,胃肠炎症,出血,呕吐,免疫机能降低等(Kubena等,1994)。猪对DON最敏感,主要导致猪食欲减退、拒食、呕吐和胃肠道损伤。许多研究显示:当日粮DON水平达3-5mg/kg时,猪的食欲大大减退,生长和生产性能下降。当生长育肥猪采食含有14mg/kg DON的饲料后,10~20min即会出现呕吐,不正常的焦虑和磨牙现象,DON对泌乳母猪的影响更严重,由于食欲不振导致母猪的泌乳量减少,从而导致仔猪生长速度缓慢。

        另项研究表明:DON含量在0-14mg/kg的试验中,饲粮中每增加1mg/kg DON,生长肥育猪的采食量减少6%,含毒量超过10mg/kg时,即完全拒食(Trenholm等,1994)。饲料摄入量降低与饲料中DON浓度升高呈线性关系。其它的单端孢霉烯族毒素对反刍动物的健康或生产性能无影响(侯然然等,2007)。研究还表明T-2毒素对不同动物的毒性还有一定种属差异,新生或未成年动物比成年动物对毒素更敏感,雄性动物比雌性动物也要敏感(霍星华等,2008)。

2.5 玉米赤霉烯酮

        玉米赤霉烯酮是镰刀霉菌通过聚酮途径合成的对哺乳动物具有雌激素样效应的一类次级代谢产物。适宜的条件下,所有的谷物类作物或饲料产品都可受到玉米赤霉烯酮的污染。猪对玉米赤霉烯酮最敏感,而受影响最大的部位是其生殖系统。由于玉米赤酶烯酮具有类雌激素作用,低于l mg/kg时导致动物表现出雌性化特征,公猪会表现睾丸萎缩,乳头增大的雌性特征。


2.6 伏马毒素




3 霉菌毒素对全国饲料的污染情况



4 猪霉菌毒素中毒的预防


4.1 饲料防霉措施


        理想的物料中含水量应不超过12%,含水量>l5%时可致霉菌生长和大量繁殖,饲料含水l7%~ 18%为真菌繁殖产毒的最适条件。保持设备清洁,不仅控制病原菌,而且要控制和减少霉菌和霉菌毒素在饲料生产设备内生长。必要时添加防霉剂,这即经济又可大量获得的防霉剂主要为短链脂肪酸,如甲酸、乙酸和丙酸,目前最常用的防霉剂是丙酸盐,包括丙酸钠、丙酸钙、丙酸铵和二丙酸铵。


4.2 霉变饲料的脱毒处理







5 猪霉菌毒素中毒的修复





6 总结


The English version


Mycotoxins in animal feed, feed raw materials and widely exist in the human food, which is produced by mould in agricultural products series of toxic secondary metabolites with a broad range of chemical structure. Mycotoxin contamination animal husbandry economy loss, not only can cause fetal part have carcinogenic mycotoxin or birth defects, and can be in the animal residues in meat, eggs, milk, from the food chain enter human body, a serious threat to human health.

Mycotoxin contamination is serious in our country, feed animals feed of mycotoxin contamination can cause some diseases. Therefore, feed mycotoxins infection has become a feed industry and animal husbandry, the lack of eliminate mycotoxin, to guarantee the animal health, give full play to the animal production potential has great significance to reduce economic loss. Compared with other domestic animals, and the most extensive pig breeding management, thus the pig feed poisoning disease, the highest in all kinds of livestock disease probability, its biggest economic losses caused by.

1 mycotoxin produced and classification

For livestock and poultry breeding harm larger mycotoxin is mainly produced by the following four moulds belong to: aspergillus species (mainly secreted aflatoxin AFT, ochre and aspergillus toxin, etc.), penicillium (mainly secreted citrinin), sickle bacteria genera (mainly secrete toxins DON T 2 toxin, vomiting, corn gibberellic ketene, fu ma toxin, etc.), claviceps (mainly secreted ergot toxin).

So far there have been more than 300 kinds of mycotoxin were separated and identified, and the above several toxin is the current understanding of eight kinds of main toxins.

The mechanism of the 2 mycotoxins

Mycotoxin, from animal acute death, chronic death to slow growth and reproductive performance. Consume a certain amount of mycotoxin can weaken the immune system, reduce the animal's ability to fight infectious diseases, can make the animal viscera damage (such as liver, kidney, gastrointestinal tract, and reproductive organs, etc.), reproductive performance, and residues in animal products, cause a harm to human health.

Mycotoxin poisoning mainly animal feed into the feed contaminated by toxins, lack of nutrients in the diet, lack of protein, selenium and vitamins is one of the factors that cause the mycotoxin poisoning. Mycotoxins because most of the intermediate or end product toxicity and toxicity of mycotoxin, therefore to reduce or increase the exogenous compounds, metabolism of drugs affect the body's reaction to the toxin, such drugs for aflatoxin and ochre and aspergillus toxin effect is larger, and the single spore mold toxin is relatively small.

Usually mycotoxins in feed there is not a single but two or several exist, when different toxins exist at the same time, the mold toxin toxicity will likely additive effect, the additive effect, synergies, synergistic effect and the effect of the rivalry. Additive effect (Synergistic effects) refers to the combination between two kinds of mycotoxin is equal to the cumulative sum of action. The additive effect (Less than additive effects) refers to occur from a combination of two kinds of mycotoxin below the accumulation of both single function together. Synergistic effect (Synergistic effects) refers to two kinds of mycotoxin combination is higher than the accumulation of both single function together. Synergistic effect (Potentiate the effects) refers to a kind of mycotoxin on a tissue or organ does not produce toxic effects, but taken one after another mycotoxin, toxicity of the former to the latter. Rivalry effect (Antagonistic effects) is a mycotoxin interfere with another mycotoxin toxic effect, this kind of situation is rare.

2.1 aflatoxin

Aflatoxin (aflatoxin, referred to as AF) in the mycotoxin, considered most, the most harmful carcinogens, its heat resistance is strong, more than 80 ℃ to destroy, would produce fluorescence under ultraviolet light, is the product of huangshan mold and parasitic aspergillus, almost all of the animals is sensitive to AF, birds are the most sensitive. AF strong toxicity to young animals and fatality rate is high, and with a strong tolerance of adult animals. Yellow aspergillus (AF) can be divided into the aflatoxin B1, B2, G1, G2, M1, M2, of which the most damage, most toxic aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) is, for all the animals are the main influence tumor, immunosuppression, mutagenic and teratogenic effects of main target organ is the liver, is a hepatotoxin, can cause bleeding, hepatic steatosis, liver bile duct hyperplasia, etc., and can lead to the occurrence of cancer of the liver (yun-jie xu, etc., 2008; hu LAN, etc., 2001).

Yellow aspergillus toxin is the most serious harm in pig production of toxins, the harm of pigs are mainly

(1) is the most powerful immunosuppressant, when, after feed pigs feed contaminated with its first disturbance of immune system, increased predisposition to disease, drug treatment effect is poor.

(2) is clotting factor inhibitor, in injury time of bleeding and serous lower blotchy areas of hemorrhage, bleeding from the small intestine and colon, etc.

(3) infringe on the liver, cause liver function drops, hepatomegaly, bile secretion decline, resulting in a decline in feed utilization rate of protein and fat in (meng-yun li, etc., 2005). Research shows that the growth in pig diet containing aflatoxin mu 200-400 g/kg, pig growth and feed remuneration; Containing 400-800 mu g/kg, microscopic liver damage, cholangitis, hepatitis, immune inhibition; Containing 800-1200 mu g/kg, the growth, feed intake reduced, rough coat, jaundice, hypoalbuminemia. Containing 1200-2000 mu g/kg, characterized by jaundice, coagulopathy, spirit dull, anorexia, part of death (闫甫 etc., 2007).

2.2 ochre and aspergillus toxin

Ochratoxin (Ochratoxin, OCT) by certain strains of aspergillus and penicillium genus of A structure similar to that of toxic, secondary metabolites with Ochratoxin A (Ochratoxin A, OTA) toxicity strongest. Its toxic aflatoxin and kidney is the main target organ, is A kind of renal toxins, ochratoxin A for almost all animals have renal toxicity. Mankind, in particular, when low intake can cause reproductive performance. Studies have shown that the OTA single stomach to all mammals have renal toxicity, can cause renal atrophy or swelling, colors, animals going grey, cortical surface uneven, and the section visible cortical fibrous degeneration;

Microscopically visible renal tubular atrophy and interstitial fibrosis with renal glomerular hyaline degeneration, and small pipe ring die, etc., accompanied by reduced the volume of urine, blood urea nitrogen increased, cleared to amino hippuric acid reduced, frequent urination, urine protein and urine sugar increased renal impairment (li, 2009). To pig feeding with ochre and aspergillus toxin tests showed that the 1 mg/kg of feed for 3 months, can cause diarrhea, anorexia and dehydration, growth retardation, feed utilization rate is low, autopsy rare renal pale, hard, namely rubber kidney. In addition to the renal toxicity, OTA and liver toxicity, suppress the immune, teratogenic and carcinogenic. In terms of reproductive toxicity, for males, ochratoxin A can also make boar semen quality drops (Biroeta1, 2003).

2.3 the orange of penicillin

Orange penicillin (Citrinin) is penicillium and aspergillus certain strains of fungal poison, is a kind of renal toxins, it can lead to pigs, chickens, ducks and birds occurred almost all animals such as kidney disease, but the differences between acute toxicity in different varieties. For duck, half lethal dose is 57 mg/kg; Chicken is 95 mg/kg; The rabbit is 134 mg/kg. Orange penicillin has synergism with ochratoxin A, inhibits murine animal kidney RNA synthesis, wheat, oats, rye, or barley, corn, rice etc all orange penicillin (ren-rong liu, 2004).

2.4 single spore alkene toxins

Single-ended spore alkene toxins are produced by sickle species structure is the floorboard of the similar kind of compounds, species more than 148 species, including main representative: T - 2 toxin (T 2 toxin), two acetyl bodyguards grass sickle germ enol (DAS) and deoxidization snow enol. Major damage animal liver and kidney, and mostly belongs to the organization stimulating factor and inflammatory substances. T 2 toxin a major role in cell division of tissues and organs, such as thymus and bone marrow, liver, spleen, lymph nodes, gonads, and gastrointestinal mucosa, inhibit these organs protein and DNA synthesis, cell and nerve function damage.

T - 2 toxins or DAS can damage the digestive tract mucous membrane in the poultry, oral ulcer, general clinical symptoms of anorexia or loss, gastrointestinal inflammation, bleeding, vomiting, decreased immune function (Kubena, etc., 1994). Pigs to DON the most sensitive, the main cause pig anorexia, refus feeds, nausea and gastrointestinal injury. Many research shows that: the grain DON level up to 3 to 5 mg/kg, pigs greatly decreased appetite, and growth and production performance. When growing pig feed feed containing 14 mg/kg DON after 10 ~ 20 min can appear namely vomiting, abnormal phenomenon of anxiety and molar, DON to secrete nurse pig is more serious, the influence of amount of lactation sows decrease due to loss of appetite, leading to piglet growth speed is slow.

Another study showed that the content of DON in the 0 to 14 mg/kg trial, fodder in every increase 1 mg/kg DON, growth of fattening pigs feed intake by 6%, the poison content is more than 10 mg/kg, namely completely (Trenholm, etc., 1994). Feed intake reduce DON concentration increases linearly with the feed, the relationship. Single-ended spore alkene families of the other toxins or had no effect on production performance for ruminant animal health (Hou Ran however, etc., 2007). Study also shows that T - 2 toxin toxicity of different animals, we still have some differences between species, new or young animals than adult animals more sensitive to toxins, males than females are sensitive (huo seika, etc., 2008).

2.5 gibberellic ketene corn

Corn gibberellic ketene, polyketone synthesis by sickle mold of mammals have estrogen-like effect of a class of secondary metabolites. Appropriate conditions, all of the grain crops or feed products can be polluted by corn gibberellic ketene. Pig's most sensitive to corn gibberellic ketene, and most affected area is the reproductive system. Because corn red enzyme ketene have class estrogen effect, lower than l mg/kg in animal show the female character, boar will show testicular atrophy, nipple increase female characteristics.

For sows, the content is too high can cause ovulation, false pregnancy, fetal development, clinical characteristics and performance for vulva hyperemia, edema, breast swelling and nipple hypertrophy, serious when can cause the vagina and rectum (cheng-zhi guo, 2010). Corn ketene red enzyme can be associated with steroid synthesis enzyme reaction, affect the formation of steroids, interfere with the endocrine system, its long-term effect and toxicity of offspring effect needs further research.

2.6 v horse toxins

Fu ma cephalosporins is water-soluble metabolites produced by sickle species, is a kind of different and more hydrogen by 3 c structure similar to the double ester compounds composed of carboxylic acid. The strongest FB1 toxicity, it is found in recent years can damage the immune system, liver and kidney, reducing the mortality of animals productivity and even cause a mycotoxin. V horse rhzomorph associated with swine edema disease (PPE), lead to the change of pig lung epithelial cells of the blood capillary, respiratory disorder, heart function damage (Diaz, etc., 1994), and for the horse, fu ma rhzomorph liquefactive necrosis (ELEM) can cause brain white matter, brain cortex injury, ataxia, partial paralysis, listless and movement function weaken, sheep can also cause liver and kidney lesions (shao-kang wang, 2003

), and small doses of vomiting toxins and v horse toxins can activate many immune response, such as cytokines.

Combined with the toxicity mechanism of mycotoxin, can draw the mold toxin poisoning of animals mainly manifested in the immune system, gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys and reproductive system, etc. Table 3 shows different mycotoxin to the pig body levels of toxicity. Can be seen from the table mycotoxin on the immune function, reproductive capacity, pig feed intake and liver kidney has influence, and each kind of poison to the influence degree of each function is different.

3 mold toxin pollution for the feed

According to the United Nations food and agriculture organization (FAO), the world each year, about 25% of the grain under the influence of mycotoxins in different degrees, about 2% of the crops because of serious pollution and loss of nutritional value and economic value. Of Chinese 28 provinces and autonomous regions, 194 feed and raw material of corn, wheat bran, survey, DON, T 2 toxin and ZEN pollution rate are 50.0%, 18.1% and 50.0% respectively (meter into etc., 2007). Animal raw fish meal at the same time, a variety of mycotoxin contamination are also very common, mildew was feed in animal feed, toxin and its metabolites can be residues in animal products and its processing products, enters the body through the food chain, these highly pathogenic and carcinogenic toxin a serious threat to human health.

AoZhiGang (2008) found that a by-product of the material, especially corn by-products such as dry lees (DDGS) and corn protein powder of mycotoxin contamination is very serious, and a variety of feed ingredients and full price feed mycotoxins often exist at the same time, due to different toxins have synergy between, will add to the toxic effects of toxin and the severity of the poisoning symptoms. Zhang Cheng etc. (2009) for the first half of 2009 China feed and raw material sampling survey results show that in 90 samples, did not detect the sample only 8 of mycotoxin, accounting for 8.9% of the total number of samples; Only detect one kind of mycotoxin sample number is 7, 7.8% of the total number of samples; While detecting the number of samples containing more than 4 kinds of mycotoxin accounted for 67.8%. Huang Guangming etc. (2010) in 2008, 2009 and 2008 in China was analyzed from various provinces and cities in feed mills and farms feeds for customer acquisition of feed raw materials and samples, the results found that in most parts of our country, corn gibberellic ketene and vomiting toxins pollution situation is more serious, especially in 2009 and 2010.

4 pig mycotoxin poisoning prevention

There are synergies between various mycotoxins in feed, several kinds of mycotoxin synergy effect on animal health and production performance than any kind of mycotoxin separate function. Creates a more complex when pigs poisoning symptoms, especially when there is the presence of bacterial and viral factors are most important. Therefore, the variety of mycotoxin bacteria, viruses and mixed infection caused by swine poisoning diagnosis become more difficult. Pig mycotoxin poisoning diagnosis is difficult, after the poisoning of the treatment effect is not ideal, the pig should take effective measures to prevent in advance.

4.1 feed mildew proof measures

Feed mildew to start from the source, enhance the resistance to mold plant cultivation, choose mold resistant strains, strengthen field management. For the inevitable pollution, in the process of harvesting and storing should choose the right time to harvest, stored in temperature and humidity appropriate places. Need to strictly control the water content of feed ingredients. Water is decided to feed mildew can grow in one of the most main factor.

The ideal material should be no more than 12% of water content, water content > l5 % can cause mould to grow and multiply, feed water about % ~ 18% fungi reproduction for toxin-producing optimum conditions. Keep the equipment clean, not only control the pathogenic bacteria, and to control and reduce the growth of mold and the mold toxin in feed production equipment. When it is necessary to add fungicide, the economy and can get mould inhibitor to a large number of short chain fatty acids, such as formic acid, acetic acid and propionic acid, is currently the most commonly used mould inhibitor propionate, sodium propionate, calcium propionate, ammonium propionate and two ammonium propionate.

Propionic acid salt with the feed equipment, stability and corrosion in the advantages of long-term feed mildew role. Need to point out is, mould inhibitor can inhibit the growth of mold, and the existing mycotoxins in feed or feed raw materials.

4.2 mildew seedling of feed processing

Chemical methods

Alkali treatment, ozone treatment, ammonia treatment method and the methylamine and calcium hydroxide treatment may have certain effect. Ozone is a substance of double bond has preferential effect of strong oxidizer. Ozone can through chemical reaction in vitro degradation of AFB1, not much, AFB2 and AFG2, this has been confirmed by experiment.

He Zu equality with sodium bicarbonate, sodium hypochlorite, sodium hydroxide and sodium chloride to detoxification of penicillium acid, sodium bicarbonate, sodium hypochlorite and sodium hydroxide seedling has certain effect. Sodium sulfite and AF reaction of water-soluble products, so as to relieve toxicity of AF. Should pay attention to is this kind of method applies only to some sort of toxin, and not all can degrade, and residues of these chemicals in the feed problem cannot solve effectively and economically, so it's not very practical, and there is a danger.

The use of the adsorbent

Used to control mycotoxins in feed or food the most commonly used method is the use of mycotoxins adsorbent. Most mycotoxins adsorbent by lowering the mycotoxin mass concentration and reduce its an opportunity to enter the blood and target cells, thereby effectively prevent mycotoxins produce harm. Mainly includes the adsorbent inorganic and organic mycotoxins adsorbent two kinds big.

Various adsorption material, however, adsorption capacity and adsorption of different kind of toxin effects are each are not identical, while the use of a variety of adsorbent composite use whether can achieve the desired test the effect of the adsorption effect overlay should do to argue. Therefore, in actual production, feed, raw material of mildew poisoning situation is still severe. And adsorbent adsorption mycotoxin not only, also the adsorption of feed of small molecules, such as biotin, triggering the sow limb hoof disease.

Five pigs mycotoxin restoration of poisoning

Pig mycotoxin after poisoning, due to the violation is liver, kidney and other organs and suppression of the immune system, there is almost no good way to cure, the treatment of fatty liver disease and cirrhosis of the liver with humans is the same principle, the core is to reduce the financial burden on viscera and try to repair the function.

We in the liver repair, for example:

The liver is one of the most complex organ for animals, bear the protein, carbohydrate and lipid synthesis, decomposition and storage, especially in lipid metabolism, the liver synthetic lipoproteins, promotes lipid transport, also form the main fatty acid oxidation and ketone body place. Quality of normal liver fat, about 4%, mainly phospholipids. If the liver is not to fat out in time, fat accumulation in liver cells, namely the formation of fatty liver. Fat accumulated in the liver, can affect the liver cell function and damage of liver cells, the connective tissue hyperplasia, cause liver cirrhosis.

And various nutrients we need to rely on anabolic corresponding enzymes, vitamin, active substances, such as active factor to complete, and the most active factor is the liver has its synthesis, such as active phospholipids, bile acid, lipoprotein and so on, can smoothly complete the lipid metabolism. Supply active factor is required for the liver repair, therefore, good drug of liver disease, which is most of the auxiliary liver disease drug enzymes, vitamins, amino acids, food is bland vegetables give priority to.

6 summarizes

The wide range of mycotoxin contamination, damage is serious, is a major problem of feed industry and animal husbandry and aquaculture, how to effectively control and degradation of mycotoxins in feed and food will be scientific problem urgently to be solved in animal husbandry and food industry.

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