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来源: 赤峰和美嘉科技有限公司  点击: 发布时间:2015-8-8


  1. 病原感染


  2. 贼风


  3. 保温的温度


  4. 温度的变化


  5. 湿气(湿度)


  6. 初乳采食量


  7. 饮水


  8. 母猪缺乳或发生乳房炎


  9. 弱小仔猪


  10. 仔猪的照顾


  11. 卫生管理


  12. 母猪的防疫


  13. 分娩床的清洗和消毒


The English version

Piglet diarrhea is a frequently encountered problems beset the other people, especially in piglets born within a week, as long as the slightest negligence or a bit of trouble, the phenomenon of piglets diarrhea is followed, increased the burden on the work and the cost of the medicine.

1. The pathogen infection

Disease is the main cause of the current problem of piglet diarrhea, such as escherichia coli, clostridium, salmonella, rotavirus gastroenteritis, swine fever virus, the influenza virus, infectious virus (TGE), is a common pathogen. Appropriate medication, in order to strengthen the management of disinfection and, the sow implement preventive injection, piglet electrolytes and vitamin, is effective way of prevention and control.

2. The evil wind

Childbirth, particularly newborn piglets and inner delivery must not have evil wind, otherwise once the piglet cold, diarrhea situation will appear, so some wind facilities are necessary for piglets.

3. The temperature of the heat preservation

Piglet is quite sensitive to cold, heat preservation is more important, therefore, indoor temperature, enough heat lamp is put on local, floor type and whether to use bedding, will directly affect the effect of heat preservation.

4. The change in temperature

Day and night temperature difference is too big, can also cause diarrhea piglets, inner temperature difference should be not more than 2 ℃, rest area, heat preservation of the pig should be not more than l ℃.

5. Moisture (humidity)

Bed surface of delivery must be 24 hours are always keep warm and dry, especially the heat preservation of the piglets rest area.

6. Colostrum intake

Piglets within 6 hours after birth must eat plenty of colostrum, in order to obtain enough antibodies to protect, colostrum contains high amount of cream at the same time, can provide the pig energy needs.

7. Water

Water is quite important for pigs, water temperature is too low or drinking water health, cause diarrhea in young pigs.

8. The sow milk or mastitis

Sow once the lack of milk or have mastitis, the piglet feed could not be enough breast milk and the cold and hunger tend to increase the chances of pathogen infection pig cause diarrhea.

9. Weak piglets

Weak piglets nipple competitiveness than other normal piglets more bad, so must be more bother to take care of, make its can feed intake enough breast milk or generation to enhance physical strength, and to reduce stress. Otherwise once tiny piglet diarrheal illness, and for other health piglets with nest, it is a bug with the original communicator.

10. Piglet's care

Piglets from birth to lactation period, must carry out iron agent injection, cut, cut the umbilical cord, castration, for piglets, it is necessary to work but will increase stress, and therefore careful care, prevent piglet pathogen invasion is important to reduce the diarrhea.

11. Health management

A diarrheal illness piglet, easily by the operator's hand, boots or needles to pathogen infect healthy piglets, so all of the used equipment, must through the appropriate cleaning and disinfection, to do the next use. To bear the operation treatment again healthy piglets diarrhea piglets.

12. The sow of epidemic prevention

Using the vaccine injection in sows 2-4 weeks before delivery, make the sow to produce antibodies, through the colostrum to the piglets, improve piglet resistance ability, can effectively reduce the occurrence of diarrhea.

13. Childbirth cleaning and disinfection of the bed

Delivery is often the place of pathogenic residual breeding bed, especially when used before a piglet diarrhea case occurs, the next batch of sows enter the shed before delivery, must be more to do a good job of cleaning and disinfection, otherwise the piglet diarrhea problems will always be constant.

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